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Published on: Sep 25, 2019

Every year september 26th is being celebrated as a  World contraception Day and the motto is to spread awareness about the safe contraceptive methods to Women & Men

Published on: Jan 17, 2019

Do u find these words familiar?

- I love u and it will never happen again.

- you are too sensitive

- you are crazy

- Why do u make me hurt you?

- you are overreacting?

- I don't remember doing that

- It didn't hurt that much.

- It's not rape, you are mine

- You deserve it

- No one is going to believe you.

- That never happened etc...

Then, stop here and know what it exactly means?

Published on: Aug 13, 2018

Here I am talking about a young man from Meerut who has developed India's first Artificial Intelligence enabled women safety app called "Sawdhaan" that'll play a significant role in combating the issue of Women Harassment and giving a hope to women in despair where most of the existing apps for women safety aren’t updated hence, they are not very effective.


Published on: Jun 08, 2018

Have you ever heard about the word Financial Abuse?

Yes, it does exist...
we all are aware of the different abuses in a relationships, whether it's a physical abuse or verbal abuse or emotional abuse or sexual abuse. But financial/economic abuse is never being discussed openly.

There are many women who are experiencing this kind of abuse but never talked about that for the sake of their relationships.

Published on: Apr 05, 2018

There are several myths and cultural superstitions associated with Menstruation & Menstrual Hygiene. Which can be the cause of many health problems. Educating girls/women about the simple ways to ensure hygiene during those days helps them being confident and taking care of their own bodies & it also educate them busting the myths.

Published on: Apr 02, 2018

Know everything about Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace and Stay alert and take stand for yourself...

Published on: Feb 16, 2018

Transition, total opposite of change...

And life is all about how you deal with these Transitions and how you fight with yourself to survive with every new of them. 

Published on: Jan 19, 2018

We have asked about Dose of Inspiration in 2017 to few inspiring women. here is the Dose of Inspiration in 2017 of few leading ladies.

Published on: Jan 10, 2018

Are you a women who is planning a body or a pregnant lady?

Then this is the blog you must Read.

Published on: Nov 02, 2017

Do their reactions push your moral down to do things which you could not do in certain time? What is more important your own progress as an individual or giggles of bunch of people?

As learning has nothing to do with the age.

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